Sunday 9 September 2012

There's always an occasion to drink!

And they all raised their glasses, "cheers" is all you could hear at a pretty empty (for a Saturday night) bar. But there were only four glasses raised among the five people who had come to enjoy a T20 match, which however was abandoned due to rain. He had decided earlier in the week that this month he wouldn't drink, unless a joyous occasion called for, but then too, only a couple of drinks, unlike his drunk escapades which were well heard off. "We are all drinking, just drink, we all know you want to drink" his friends tried to convince him, but no, he wouldn't budge! They called for a few starters, peanuts and masala papad, while he sat there turning the pages of the menu. He picked up a couple of peanuts but something was missing; it just didn't feel right! Were the peanuts less salty, were they stale? Then came the masala papad, but that too didn't taste the same! Something was wrong, aah, the alcohol! He looked around to see all his friends, have a sip of their respective drinks and munch on the food. For him too, the peanuts were always accompanied by a sip of a chilled beer, or a cuba libre! That was what was missing, the alcohol! "Aah! F*ck this sh!t, get me a large whiskey, 3 ice cubes and water please." were the exact words that came out of his mouth! A number of excuses were then stated as to why he wasn't drinking earlier and what made him change his mind, but they all knew, sooner or later he was going to order his drink. One large whiskey was followed by another and another! What was going to be the night he wasn't going to drink, soon turned out to be the night where HE was convincing the others to go have a couple of shots at the bar!

It wasn't an occasion as such, but he had convinced himself that it was a night out with the boys, and well its not going to come back again, so might as well drink up! Surely a night he would remember, unlike the many that were forgotten or vaguely remembered, alcohol being the one to blame for those. Oh, of course he had mentioned while ordering his drink that he's just drinking on this day because they tried so hard to convince him and friends are difficult to turn down and he's done for the month, but he did receive a message the very next day asking him to join a few people he'd call bros to come and drink with them, to enjoy our youth was a reason mentioned! "I'll be there in 10" he replied.

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